Europe - A Choral Song
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Europe - A Choral Song

Ein gemeinsames Comeniusprojekt europäischer Schulen aus zehn Partnerländern

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'A Chroal Song'  is the title of a project where10 schools from Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey will work together over a period of 2 school years (sept 2012 - july 2014) with the intention of giving the participating students an understanding of the European partner countries, their cultures and their languages. In the course of the project the students are going to check their information about the partner countries, to broaden or maybe correct them, so that they can meet other people´s traditions and their way of life not with prejudices and rejection but with respect and tolerance. As their working materials the students are going to choose contemporary pop songs that deal with the topics and values to be examined in this project (1. traditions and stereotypes 2. youth 3. nature and environment 4. human rights 5. love 6. integration and solidarity) and can serve as a starting point for the discussion.

Getting in touch and the exchange of opinions and results will in the main be done electronically (e-mails, chat rooms, vidoecam, lip dub, …) but there will also be visits of groups of students in other schools. Communication between the partners will have to be in English or French. The progress and the results of the work can be displayed and followed on a bulletin board as well as on the school homepage.
